Train with your clients. Anywhere.

Move beyond 1-dimensional video calls, and train your clients better.


Frame helps improve the way you train with clients—remotely and in-person.


Get the whole picture.

See more than ever before, even in the gym. More cameras means more lines of sight to help your clients understand your feedback and make better adjustments in real-time. 


Built for professionals.

Frame works with popular payment and scheduling apps, and gives you a HIPAA-compliant way to record and share session videos, notes, and messages with your clients.


Better engagement.

No more paper printouts. You can assign exercises, record and share proper form, see multiple viewing angles, and send in-app reminders to your clients.


Accessible & secure.

You already have what you need—no equipment to buy. Clients simply use two video-capable devices they already own to securely connect and bring you into their space.